
Deleavening, Preparing Our Hearts

We will review scriptures showing that Jesus lived a sinless,a deleavened life. We will look at the heart God was seeking in 1 Samuel 13:13 and parallel Christ's teachings with what scripture shows us about David’s heart.

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Messenger of the New Covenant

This sermon looks at how Christ is the messenger of the New Covenant.

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Discerning the Lord’s Body

This sermon looks at how to approach the Passover when examining ourselves. How should we be treating one another in the Body of Christ? How should we show respect to Christ in attitude and action? 

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The Lamb of God Past Present and Future

This sermon will look at scriptures dealing with the lamb of God and the Passover sacrifice.  It will also look at the use of sheep and lambs in developing man’s societies and the future use of God's flock.

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Contentment Is Very Profitable

This sermon looks at the great benefit it is for us to be content in life

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Faith and our Point of Reference

How much is our faith in God about seeing the big picture?  Sometimes we don’t always see from the best angle of what God is working out, and yet we trust that God sees all and knows all and has our best interest in mind. 

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Heroes of Old

Is being a hero only for the fast, strong and youthful minds?  This sermon looks at some heroes of old and what a real hero looks like.

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Cloak of Zeal

In the book of Isaiah, the prophet mentions the armor that God wears.  It is different than the armor mentioned in Eph. 6 because it mentions a “cloak of zeal”.   What is this cloak of zeal that God puts on for battle? Are we to put...

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The Weakness of Idolatry

So much of the idolatry in our world can be traced back to Nimrod.  Nimrod who is described as a mighty hunter and a mighty leader went down a weak path of idolatry.  This sermon looks at the weakness of idolatry and the strength of the one true...

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Godly Rest

This message looks at rest and seven types of rest that are needed to be renewed.  We will look at Gods desire for us to live a life of rest and how loving Gods way leads to a life of rest from the problems that cause unrest.

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