
The Price of Justice

This sermon looks at what the details of justice and reparations that have been made in the name of justice.  What is true justice and how does it relate to justification?  What is physical price of justice?  What is the spiritual price of justice? 

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Bible Study: Haggai Chapter 1 - Message #1

This bible study looks at Chapter 1 in the book of Haggai examining the first of four main messages in the book.  This message was the request to "consider their ways" so their efforts could be blessed. 

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Help Is On The Way

God the Father and Jesus Christ provide help in a variety of ways.  Often times there is patience that is needed when waiting.  This sermon looks at examples when the answer to the request for help was, "please wait - help is on the way". 

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Worship , True or False

This sermon looks at the importance God places on how he is to be worshipped. It looks at worshipping in vain and who our High Priest is. It also addresses looking for the beam in our own eyes.

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Being at our Best - F.L.O.W.

Flow is a term used to describe one performing at their best in sports.  How can we be at our best spiritually?  Using an anacronym for the word FLOW, this sermon looks at 4 points for being out our best as members in the body of Christ. 

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Tend to the Garden

God gives us different responsibilities to tend to in this life, just as He gave Adam the opportunity to "tend to the garden".  This sermon looks at how we can gratefully "tend to the garden", and the benefits of having the proper focus in doing so. 

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Bible Study:  Historical Background on the Book of Haggai

This Bible study introduces the book of Haggai by looking at historical details leading up to 520 BC.

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A Heart Of Gold

This message looks at preparing our hearts to seek God. It uses an acrostic to give four points using LARK.

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Where Do Fish Come From?

Whether it is food to eat or spiritual food received, all blessings come from the Creator God. This includes national blessings. As we approach Thanksgiving Day, this is something to focus on. 

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A New Name Will Be Given

Our physical names are very important to us, however there is a different name that is even more important and that it will be given to the faithful followers by God. 

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